“100 Yıllık Baraj Deneyimi-Baraj Mühendisliğinde Geleneksel Uygulamaların ve Gelişmelerin Dengelenmesi” konusundaki CDA Konferansı 3-6 Ekim 2005 tarihleri arasında Kanada’nın Calgary şehrinde yapıldı. Konferansta hidroloji, sismik aktivite ve çevre konularında teknik oturumlar gerçekleştirildi ve baraj inşaatındaki özel teknikler mühendisler, baraj patronları ve misafirler tarafından tartışıldı. “Ülkemizdeki Büyük Beton Barajların Sismik Tehlike Analizleri” adlı bildiri, BGD Başkanı Prof. Dr. Hasan TOSUN tarafından sunuldu. Konferansta sunulan bildirilerin ingilizce olarak listesi aşağıda sunulmaktadır. Bildirilerin tüm metnine ise, yalnızca BGD üyeleri “üyeler için” opsiyonundan ulaşabilirler.
CDA 2005 Annual Conference Calgary, Alberta, Canada
CANADIAN DAM ASSOCIATION October 3 – October 6, 2005
The effect of the 1990 Manjil earthquake on the Sefid Rud buttress dam
Tahmasb Arasteh
Performance and Reclamation of Tailings Dams
Les Sawatsky and Rob Mahood.
Monitoring Upstream Sinkhole Development By Detailed Sonar Profiling
Stephen Rigbey Hatch Acres, Niagara Falls
Impact des changements climatiques sur les plans de gestion des réservoirs Saint-François et Aylmer: résultats préliminaires
Richard Turcotte, Louis-Guillaume Fortin, Stéphane Pugin, Jean-François Cyr1avec la collaboration de :
François Picard, Charles Poirier, Pierre Lacombe, Diane Chaumont, George Desrochers, Luc Vescovi et René Roy
Seismic Hazard Analyses of Concrete Dams in Turkey
Hasan Tosun, Hasan Savas
Seismic Deformation of Waba Dam
Comparison Of Hec-Ras With Fldwav And Dam break Models For Dam Break Analysis
Ross D. Zhou, David G. Judge, C. Richard Donnelly
Planning for Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Silver Lake Fuse Plug Failure
Teresa Schwalbach
Repair of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams in Cold Climates: Salt Springs, USA, and Midtbotnvatn, Norway
John Wilkes, Gabriella Vaschetti & Alberto Scuero, Erick Larson & Ray Kelly
Pipeline Syphons For Outlet Works At Dams
Ken Kress
Enlargement Of The Rolling Hills Reservoir
John Sobkowicz, Trempess Moore, Dale Miller, Dennis Miller,
Elkwater Lake Dam Safety Review and Dam Breach Flood Inundation Study
Hua Zhang , Anil Beersing , Dejiang Long , Les Sawatsky and Mahmoud Giratalla
Treatment Of Deep Previous Foundations At The Peribonka Dam Site
Annick Bigras,Bernard Gagné, Anthony Rattue, Head. Pascal Garand,. Yousef Hammamji, Head. Pierre Vannobel,.
Toulnustouc Cfrd Main Dam : Stress-Deformation Predictions And Behavior During Reservoir Filling
Yousef Hammamji, Normand Beauséjour, Michel Massiéra, Janelle Vautour et Louis-Marie Landry
Toulnustouc Cfrd Maın Dam: Stress-Deformation Predictions And Behavior During Reservoir Filling
Yousef Hammamji, Normand Beauséjour, Michel Massiéra, Janelle Vautour et Louis-Marie Landry
Sheet Pile Membrane Embankment Dam Design, Construction, And Performance
Robert A. Patrick, Cory J. Williams, Paul G. Kemp
Retrofitting the Dam Monitoring Systems of dams built more than 50 years ago
Tahmasb Arasteh
Performance Data Management for Earth Structures at Suncor Energy Inc.
Dr. Song (Bruce) Li, Lee Nichols, Dr. Jamel Sgaoula, Norman Eenkooren, Samuel Saforo,
Improved Dam Performance Monitoring Using Data-Logging Pressure And Temperature Sensors
Simon Cullum-Kenyon, John Sobkowicz, Melanie Woytiuk, Andrew Szojka,
Simulation of the thermal behavior of a concrete dam using IN SITU measurements - Case of Daniel-Johnson Dam –
Normand Thibeault, Richard Larivière,
Impact Of Catchment Yield On Farm Dam Development
Barry Lewis
Glenmore Causeway Upgrades: Dam Safety, Traffic and Flood Issues.
Robin FitzGerald, Brian Rogers, Lidia Serpas
Dam Construction as an Engineering Solution for Water Supply Problem: Environmental Threats
Amir H. Hosseini1
Cold Weather Challenges During Construction Of A Rockfill Dam With A Polypropylene Liner In The Canadian Arctic
Gräpel, Christopher K., Valeriote, Mark, and Cross, Fred.
Minimum Energy Design Using Grassed Spillways
Barry Lewis